Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year, New Chapter.

Put on those new shoes of yours and take the first step in trying something new.

Moving on to a brand new start, Finally. had been with me for the past 7 years and it's definitely going to be missed.
Reading back, each post has brought me fond memories.
From 2004 to present, how I went through different stages of life, from how awful school (project assignments and exams) was but yet because of the people that I've forged friendships with, made attending classes all worthwhile. Not forgetting some of the many wonderful lecturers that made lessons motivational and interesting, how crazy and intensive Dragonboat camps and trainings were, the races the team fought through but had to quit due to injuries, to how relationships between friends fell out while others grew stronger through the years.
And then, how love tore me into pieces and left me in that 'dark black hole' scared with a terrible phobia, and then somehow along the way, the right one came and everything just fell into place.

So then, year 2011 went relatively well...
Despite the much stressful first half that made me lose about 9 - 10kg of weight due to my final semester in Uni, all the hard work and results paid off in the second half.
Traveled to Aussie to attend my graduation ceremony and to visit dear Shux, took up a 3rd language, had a fruitful and heartwarming experience in Cambodia to help out at a HIV children orphanage - Missionaries of Charity, made new friends and got my driving license.
2011 ended with a blast by celebrating both Christmas and New Year with some of the awesome-est bunch of people despite having gum infection and inflammation in the throat.

This year, new resolutions have been made. New inspirations will be written, and even if no one or just a minority reads my blog, each post is going to create another chapter of fond memories in my book of life when I look back 10, 20 years down the road on what's written in With All Things Beautiful :)

So, what's yours this new year?

Yours Truly,

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