Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday's Letters.

Dear Beancurd Custard with syrup (Tau Huay) at Old Airport Road, I miss you terribly I could drive mom's car just for you. Why do you taste so good? You just melt in my mouth with every spoonful I take. I could have more than 5 bowls of you. Dear Kristen, our conversations over lunch and coffee could go on forever, and our catching up is still not even pass the halfway mark. Thanks for the awesome lunch this afternoon. Korean cuisine rocks my socks, you rock even more!  Dear Mommy, I bet you are by the pool now getting some sun, solving Sudoku puzzles and enjoying life, while I'm finding ways to save up for a holiday vacation. Indeed jealous. Dear Sharp Pain & Bloatedness in my Stomach/Intestines, I think it's time for your check up to see what the real problem is. It's difficult not to consume some of the many food I love eating.

Yours truly,

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