Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday's Letters.

Dear Leap Day/Year, Happy Birthday to those who's birthday falls on the 29th of Feb. I wonder if any woman out there actually proposed to her man on this day? If so, congratulations to the both of you! It would be interesting to witness one. Dear Mr. L, great job on getting Silver for IPPT. 16/03 still seems like a long way more but nevertheless, I can't wait to see you on Friday! Dear Alex, lunch and catch up on Monday was great. Let's set our next date at Wimbly Lu. Dear The Cross Gardener, what a touching and emotional novel you are. You've captured my heart and made me cry so much but you're indeed a great and uplifting which teaches one to find forgiveness, acceptance, peace/closure. One I could relate to. Dear Granddad, how I miss you so much again.

Yours truly,

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